Twitter the power of 140 characters and to make money

Speaking at a technology conference this week, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone put the company's recent document leak behind him to discuss plans for the future of the microblogging phenomenon.
Attendees at the Fortune Brainstorm: TECH conference heard Stone reveal that he has concrete plans to monetise Twitter and that he won't be selling out to Google.
Long haul
Stone described how the coming week will see Twitter begin a marketing drive to educate companies about the possibility of using it to make money through better serving existing customers and attracting new ones.
"The key takeaway there is that we're thinking big and we're in it for the long haul," he said.
After the education phase, he plans to move on to add new services to Twitter, including account authentication to avoid identity theft and a possible use for data mined from the user records.
Not Facebook
As for distinguishing the company from the multitude of social networks, Stone said he wanted to emphasise that it is a communication tool and not an SNS.
"We started out by creating this very simple status updating system. And that's not what Twitter is. It evolved into something else," he said.
My Idea
In my eyes this is a great time to start using twitter if your not already one of the thousends that are using it because it ithere dose not interest you. Then this could be your calling to sing up for a acount. Because twitter like meney other soshal networking web sites is a great way to make some money veary easly, via affiliate marketing this has been going on for some time now but it's made much easer by using twitter. but because twitter is not yet bambarded with other affliate marketters it's a good time to start doing some affliate marketing your self.
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